Selasa, 06 September 2011

When Genesis Funny Lunch Hour

Electric kettle

At 12.00 pm is the time in waiting. Because at 12.00 pm is the time to eat. When my friend called KENTONG will cook instant noodles, he was entering the water into a pitcher that has been modified with a cable that can circulate electricity.

When he would memesukan egg into the kettle, I suggest that eggs were put into plastic. To be easily retrieved eggs. And he followed my advice.

When he would enter the egg I suggest that plastic is given water. And he followed my advice again. Then he to the bathroom to insert water into the plastic.

Then he enter the egg is already in the plastic and into a pot of instant noodles that have been given water. Then he connects the cable to a switch pitcher in the wall.

I also noticed while eating. As he waited for approximately two minutes, he had just realized that day that electricity is being extinguished. Simultaneously I was laughing out loud until

Minggu, 04 September 2011

Doctor, I'm Dying

Noon-day rest period, a doctor was startled by someone who sobbed as she said "I do not want to die, Doctor."
Feeling sorry for him, the doctor gave up his lunch break. Then the doctor said, "What? Tell me your problem!"
Then with tersengguk-sengguk patient said, "Doctor, if I touch my body parts, which, I feel sick. See a doctor!", Then the patient's hand touching the chest with his hands and yelled in pain, touching the head with hands, then he screamed in pain again, he continued to shout as he touched the other parts of the body with his hands. The patient said, "See My doctor is dying"
Then with a smile the doctor said, "You broke your fingers".

Jumat, 02 September 2011

My Dog

One day, a man was walking with a dog. But unfortunately the dog's neck strap loose and the dog escaped. The man was chasing his dog in the street, but ill-fated because the dog entered the courtyard of a house and bit a lady who lived in the house.
She was angry as he went into the house to call her husband, so he made ​​the calculations with the man & his dog's.
Dog owners who cower when she approached her husband immediately said, "Sir, what if resolved fine. Is money amounting to USD 25,000.00 is enough?"
Her husband was silent for a moment and replied, "Agreed! But next week I will be paying for USD 25,000.00 if you take off your dog again at my wife on the front page."

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