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Selasa, 30 Agustus 2011
Teacher: "Children, Indonesia lies between two oceans and two ...?" Student: "... the Continent." Teacher: "Wrong! The truth Indonesia lies between two oceans and two two very in ...! " Teacher: "Now the flora and fauna. When will whales mammals, reptiles crocodile animals, goats herbivorous animals. While the tiger is a beast .... " Mudrid: "Carnivora" Teacher: "You people are stupid .... Tiger is a very scary beast ...!" Student: ?????? : - /
Courageous soldiers
Three of the generals who came from America, Russia and Indonesia were walking in the zoo Ragunan with his men. Arriving in front of the lion's den, the American generals direct the courage to show off his soldiers. American General: "Soldiers, you quickly get into the lion's cage and get me a male lion monkey fur" Soldiers: "Ready sir!" The American soldier was immediately jumped into the cage. Five minutes later, he returned with a body full of wounds, carrying the lion monkey fur Jend America: "See clay, my men are brave and great right? American soldiers are the number one " General Russia: "Russia is more powerful warrior.

Senin, 29 Agustus 2011
Wrong Sending Email.
A pair of middle-aged husband and wife who are both from the professionals felt tired with the bustle of the capital. They decided to vacation in Bali, Indonesia. They will reoccupy the same hotel room with her when the honeymoon when they married 30 years ago. Because of his work, the husband had to fly first and new wife followed the next day. After checking into the hotel in Bali, the husband found the aircraft computer connected to the internet has been installed in his room. Happily e-mail he wrote to his wife affectionately in his office in Jalan Sudirman, Jakarta. Unfortunately, he typed the wrong e-mail address of his wife and without realizing his mistake he kept sending e-mail.

Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011
State of Indonesia
Teacher: "Children, Indonesia lies between two oceans and two ...?"
Student: "... the Continent."
Teacher: "Wrong! The truth Indonesia lies between two oceans and two two very in ...! "
Teacher: "Now the flora and fauna. When will whales mammals, reptiles crocodile animals, goats herbivorous animals. While the tiger is a beast .... "
Mudrid: "Carnivora"
Teacher: "You people are stupid .... Tiger is a very scary beast ...!"
Student: ?????? : - /

Will my wife gives birth
A man in a hurry and rush barged into the delivery room, and moments later he looked out in a wheelchair pushed by a nurse because of fainting. Sarman wonder why this man, out of curiosity soon Udin menghapiri some doctors in the delivery room.
Sarman asked, "dock, allowed to know why the man who has arrived suddenly fainted?"
With the doctor calmly replied, "Oh, he hastily came here because his wife will soon give birth, but he forgot something,"
"Forgot what, doc?" Asked Sarman again.
"He forgot to bring his wife." Says the doctor. : - /

Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011
Cheese It Good For Health ?
After traveling far,Udin arrived back at home. His wife greeted with joy,
"I have a piece of cheese for you," his wife said.
"Thank God," said Udin, "I like cheese. Cheese is good for stomach health."
Udin returned not long to go. When he returned, his wife welcomed him with joy as well.
"Is there a cheese for me?" asked Nasrudin.
"No more," said his wife.
din said, "Well, that's okay. After all the cheese is not good for dental health."
"So which is it?" Nasrudin's wife said wondering, "Cheese is good for the stomach or not good for your teeth?"
"That depends, 'said Nasrudin," It depends on whether or not the cheese. "

Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011
Abu Nawas: Against 3 People Bijak
Abu Nawas is known to have an intelligent brain.
Because kederdasan he had, he was crowned as the wisest man in the village where he lived.
One evidence of intelligence he had was able to calculate the number of stars in the heavens.
One day, there are three wise men who go around the country to get answers to pressing questions. It was unclear what led the three wise men came hingaa their one day stay in the village of Abu Nawas.
Without further ado, with a very urgent reason, the three men asked for some residents to put themselves forward to be willing to answer questions thrown by the three wise men. All shook their heads can not answer.
But soon, the villagers had handed Abu Nawas as a representative of the wise men to represent their village. Abu Nawas was forced to deal with the three wise men, and around them gathered the villagers who watched the conversation around the questions and answers.
The first wise man asked Abu Nawas,
"Where is the actual center of the earth?"
"Right under my feet, brother," replied Abu Nawas.
"How can you prove it?" the wise man asked the first one.
"If you do not believe it, measure it yourself," replied Abu Nawas lightly.
The sage who first had still had no answer.
Seeing the sage had lost the first by Abu Nawas, a second turn came wise men who ask questions.
"How many stars are there in the sky?" he asked.
"The stars in the sky is equal to the hair on my ass," replied Abu Nawas
"How can you prove about it," said the second wise man.
"Well, if you do not believe it, just count the hair on the donkey, and then you will know the truth," replied Abu Nawas lightly without sin.
"If it does talk shit, how does one calculate the fur donkey?" The second wise man asked again.
"Well ... if I crap, why did you also ask the question, how does one count the stars in the sky?" retorted Abu Nawas.
Hearing that answer, the wise man could not continue the second question again.
People wisest
Knowing the boys helplessly on every answer given by the Abu Nawas, then these three wise men who were asking questions.
Among the three wise men, the third person here who said the wisest.
He was really disturbed by any clever answers given by the Abu Nawas.
"It seems you know much about the donkey, but you try to tell me how many hairs are there on the donkey's tail," asked the three wise men with ketusnya.
"I know the numbers, the number of existing hairs on my donkey tail is equal to the amount of hair in your beard," replied Abu Nawas snapped anyway.
"How can you prove it?" third wise man asked again.
"Oh ... if that is still easy, you see, you pull out a feather from the tail of my ass, and then I pulled a hair from your beard. Well ... if the same, so what I say is true, but if not , I was wrong, "replied Abu Nawas vigorously.
Of course the three wise men who did not receive such a way that it calculates.
Finally the sage returned to his native country, and meanwhile the villagers who meyaksikan increasingly convinced that Abu Nawas was the wisest among the four men.
Read more: # ixzz1VrtKa4pA

Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011
The story of Abu Nawas: keep Nazar
Again the story of Abu Nawas is endless to be read, it is because as Abu Nawas is very clever.
As the following story, which the ingenuity of Abu Nawas is tested by his old friend Abdul Hamid.
He has asked for assistance to Abu Nawas in terms of finding the magnitude of an inch horn goat man to fulfill vows Abdul Hamid.
His story ...
Formerly on the State of Persia there lived a man named Abdul Hamid AL Kharizmi.
This man was a wealthy merchant in their regions. But unfortunately, he has not also endowed with a child even though her marriage has reached the age of five years.
One day, after the Asr prayer at the mosque, he vowed,
"Oh God ... if you give me a child, it will kusembelih a goat that has a horn span of humans."
Unexpectedly, after he came home from the mosque, his wife called Zazariah screaming, hugging him when Abdul Hamid reached the front door of the house,
"O my husband ... Apparently God has answered our prayers during this, I'm pregnant," said his wife.
It was Abdul Hamid seemed confused.
Ask for Help Abu Nawas.
The husband and wife were very happy. Abdul Hamid was very fond of and attention to his wife while she was pregnant. After nine months, she finally gave birth to a boy that funny-named Abdul Hafiz.
A few weeks after the birth of her child, he remembered the vow that was spoken at the mosque first, which is slaughtering a goat that has a horn span of humans. But after looking into all corners, the goat which he means not met as well.
He mused, and suddenly he remembered his old friend by the name of Abu Nawas, a friend who is very clever. He ordered his men to find out the presence of Abu Nawas.
After several days of searching, Abdul Hamid's men found a home as well as Abu Nawas Abu Nawas is a very famous in its time.
Arriving at the house of Abu Nawas, Abdul Hamid told subordinates events experienced by the employer.
"Okay, I'll go there, but wait, I'll leave first with my wife," said Abu Nawas to subordinates Abdul Hamid.
Abu Nawas was set off with his men Abdul Hamid, although he has not found a reason to solve problems experienced by his best friend.
Arriving in Persia, Abu Nawas was greeted by Abdul Hamid and his wife. After describing the problem that happened to him, Abu Nawas said,
"Give me overnight to think. Tomorrow morning I will give the answer."
After that Abu Nawas was allowed to rest in his room.
All night long he could not sleep, to find a sense of the answer will be given to his friend in the morning. After several hours racked his brains, he finally slept well that night, which indicates that the answer he had found.
Babies inch.
The next morning, Abu Nawas Abdul Hamid ordering subordinates to prepare a goat in the garden behind the house at midday. Abu Nawas say will provide a surprise for his friend, Abdul Hamid.
As the sun was directly overhead, Abdul Hamid Abu Nawas invite fairies to the garden of his house.
"I've found a goat that you're looking for," said Abu Nawas.
Abdul Hamid's face was shocked and confused do not understand, because the goats obtained Abu Nawas was just an ordinary goat, he began to think that the horns of the goat was not an inch of man. her heart began to sink.
"Well my friend, now you can keep nazarmu to slaughter a goat that has a horn span of humans," said Abu Nawas.
"But is not it just the same goat horns with the other goat horns, not as big as a human span," said Abdul Hamid doubt.
Then Abu Nawas told Abdul Hamid took anaknyake there. After Abdul Hamid gave his son, Abu Nawas ago mngukur inch of baby goat with horns, then show it to Abdul Hamid.
"Well ... now you can pay nazarmu to God is not it?" said Abu Nawas.
Abdul Hamid smiled satisfied with the answer given by the Abu Nawas.
Nazar was finally able to be met, how glad Abdul Hamid and his wife can fulfill their vows.
Read more: keep Nazar | STORY Abu Nawas # ixzz1VaZWwTNx
Read more: # ixzz1VaXtZ1KQ
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Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011
The story of Abu Nawas: blackmailer Blackmailing
The story of Abu Nawas this time try to present on how to squeeze squeezer Abu Nawas, a government official who had dared to try to squeeze Abu Nawas. Do not imitate the nature of government officials ya on this one. The story .. Al story at that time many ordinary people who want mendapatka great gift of the King. Since it was a royal rule, for anyone who could bring good news to the King, then he will get a huge reward. Of course the king glad mendengaranya harulah ... If not .... beheading sentence. Moreover, not everyone is brave just warm face and break the news to the king. Ha ha ... Abu Nawas was the joy, looking for money for distribution to the needy, ranging moved next door neighbor's house because many are poor with a mediocre salary anymore. It is famous Abu Nawas sebagau man with a myriad of ideas. He intends to court to tell a story very interesting. Abu Nawas sure if that will be conveyed will surely make the king happy, because this news is rarely known. On a sunny morning, Abunawas sendirianmenuju leave the palace. But everything is not as originally envisioned because he had to deal with guards, guards the gate of the palace. The guard was convinced that Abunawas was a very clever, even the most astute in his country. From that, it is impossible Abunawas fail to please the king, guman the guard gate. The guard acted indifferently said to Abu Nawas. "O Abunawas, will I let you go as long as you promise to me first," said the guard gate. "Promise what?" Abunawas pretended not to know. "You must promise me that any gift that you receive must be shared equally with me," said the guard's gate. "Well ...," said the Abu Nawas annoyed. After the Abu Nawas promising that he will receive half the prize of the king before the guard was allowed Abunawas enter. Abu Nawas indignation against the gatekeepers of the prodigal turns into a fiery vengeance. Abu Nawas finally had the idea to provide valuable lessons for the guards, guards the gate of the palace. Once inside the palace, Lord King Harun al-Rashid was very pleased. This pleasure to the deepest depths of his heart. After the news of Abu Nawas very rare and little-known human oelh, Mersa Majesty was very happy and satisfied. Majesty was never heard, until as if he had become the most fortunate people in the world. "O Abu Nawas, this time to determine its own reward you want," said King. "Thank you, your majesty lord's servant. When allowed to choose a gift, then the servant asked for a hundred lashes, "replied Abu Nawas. Of course the king wondered to myself, feeling shocked and surprised. But the king believes that the Abu Nawas must have some purpose behind it. From it, Your Majesty summoned the royal executioner and told do not be too hard if whipping Abu Nawas. The executioner was ready with a whip in hand. Abu Nawas is welcome progress. In accordance with a message from the king, the executioner's whip Abu Nawas slowly. Right on the count to fifty Abu Nawas shout, "Stop ....!!!" Sire surprised. He asked Abu Nawas. "Why do you ask for caning stopped. Have you not asked for it?" King said not yet understood. "The noble lord, in fact penjag gate of the palace have been banned servants to go unless the servant would promise to share equally any prize will be servants receive. Now I beg the rest of the sentence imposed on the guard gate, O noble lord, "said Abu Nawas explained. Haa ... Absurdly wrath of the king. Without much talk, pengwal was called to enter. Majesty commanded the executioner to proceed lecut punishment to the tyrant's guards with blows very hard, hard. Executioner with joy received the word of the king. Not surprisingly, the guard almost fainted exposed to loud crack of it. Abu Nawas was very pleased to share these strokes with a bodyguard. However, Abu Nawas not satisfied, because he should get a gift from the king. The next day, Abu Nawas see the guard and said, "Do you know what can akulakukan against you whenever I want?" threatened Abu Nawas. "No," replied the terrified guards. "For you I did not bring presents nothing but crack. If you do not want to substitute the prize that should I receive it I will complain to the king," said Abu Nawas who knows if these guards also like to receive bribes from others. Out of fear, then the guard was willing to sell the fields of fraud in the past. And then he appealed to the Abu Nawas in order not to harm himself again. Abunawaspun agree. Finally .... With the proceeds from the farmlands of the bodyguard, the money distributed to the needy, especially its impoverished neighbor earlier. Presumably still could proceed, other times to meet with Abu Nawas another story. (Sorry if there are words that are less pleased and touched the hearts of readers. This is just a story, stories and fairy tales).

Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011
The story of Abu Nawas: Ashamed To the Thief
This time it presents the story of Abu Nawas attitude in dealing with thieves. Abu Nawas of daily living hand to mouth, there is still visited by thieves, what ya want the thief to steal it.One night a burglar had broken into the house of Abu Nawas, and lucky, Abu Nawas see it.But because of embarrassment, Abu Nawas directly hiding inside a large box located on the corner of the room.